How to Donate to Sirimangalo using TransferWise

TransferWise is a service for making easy bank transfers, in particular international transfers. It is our preferred method to receive bank transfer donations. Fees tend to be similar to those incurred by going directly through one’s bank. If you would like to make a bank transfer directly to our bank account without using TransferWise, please contact us for more information.

Please note that TransferWise is generally best for bank transfers. If you would like to send a small amount or use a credit card, we recommend using one of our other donation methods. Using a credit card through TransferWise may incur a cash advance fee.

To begin, create an account and log in at

The "Send money" button is in the upper left

Select the “Send money” page and follow the prompts to send money.

The currency type is listed beside the amount.

Make sure that the money to be received is in Canadian Dollars (CAD).

Of the three options, the correct is "Business or charity"

For the Recipient, choose “Business or charity”.

Fill in the address form completely

Enter the information for Sirimangalo International as follows:
NameSirimangalo International Buddhist Meditation Society Inc
CityStoney Creek
Address516 Barton St.
Postal CodeL8E 2L6

Select "Interac" for "Bank details" and enter "" for the Interac registered email address

In the Bank Details section, select “Interac” and enter “” as the Interac registered email.

Confirm the details for the organization and follow the prompts for selecting payment.